which of the following best described topographical maps

images taken from space
illustrations with lines
video taken from space
drawings that have exactly

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which of the following best described topographical maps

images taken from space that show the earths features
illustrations with lines that go in loops
video taken from space that show rivers
drawings that have exactly replicated images

The option that best describes topographical maps is "images taken from space that show the earth's features." Topographical maps typically show the physical features of the Earth's surface, including mountains, valleys, rivers, etc., which can be best captured through satellite or aerial imagery taken from space.

To determine which of the following options best describes topographical maps, let's examine each option one by one:

1. Images taken from space: Topographical maps are not typically images taken from space. While satellite images can provide information about the Earth's surface, topographical maps are more detailed and include comprehensive information about the elevation and terrain features of a specific area.

2. Illustrations with lines: This option is closer to the description of topographical maps. Topographical maps commonly use contour lines to represent changes in elevation and depict various terrain features such as mountains, valleys, rivers, and forests.

3. Video taken from space: Videos taken from space cannot be considered as topographical maps. Videos do not provide the detailed information required to accurately represent the elevation and terrain features of an area.

4. Drawings that have exactly: It seems that the sentence is incomplete, and it is difficult to determine what is meant by "drawings that have exactly." However, based on the information provided, it is not possible to conclude that topographical maps are best described by drawings.

In summary, the option that best describes topographical maps is "illustrations with lines," specifically in the form of contour lines representing elevation changes and various terrain features.