there is a shaft, with pillars holding up four corners, and it goes six miles to the top, four people need to climb it, name twenty possible ways they could do so, clever ways

1. Use a rope ladder and climb up one by one.

2. Build a human pyramid with the strongest person at the bottom and climb up on each other's shoulders.
3. Harness the four people together with climbing ropes and ascend simultaneously, supporting each other.
4. Create a pulley system using ropes and one person at a time is hoisted up while others assist in pulling.
5. Construct a makeshift elevator using a wooden platform and ropes.
6. Use suction cups or climbing gear with suction properties to stick to the walls and crawl up.
7. Construct a mechanical contraption that uses gears and levers to pull the climbers up.
8. Attach grappling hooks to the pillars and utilize them to ascend.
9. Build a staircase inside the shaft with wooden planks and climb up step by step.
10. Inflate large balloons and attach them to the climbers, allowing them to float up.
11. Use jetpacks or small personal helicopters to fly up to the top.
12. Set up a trampoline system at the bottom and progressively bounce higher and higher.
13. Attach springs to the climbers' shoes to propel them upwards.
14. Create a system of zip lines connecting the pillars, allowing the climbers to slide up.
15. Develop a magnetic levitation system to lift the climbers up using magnetized boots.
16. Arrange trapezes at different heights along the shaft to swing and propel upwards.
17. Utilize a propulsion jet suit to fly up the shaft.
18. Use a giant slingshot at the bottom to launch the climbers upwards.
19. Harness the force of water pressure to act as an upward propulsion, similar to a water jetpack.
20. Develop a specialized climbing robot that can climb the shaft and carry the climbers on its back.

please redo this, and remember there are only four people! a pyramid will not work to get up six miles!

Apologies for the oversight. Here are twenty revised and clever ways for four people to climb the six-mile shaft:

1. Use a set of extendable poles with handles to push against the walls and gradually ascend.
2. Build a system of wooden platforms with rotating wheels attached to the shaft's walls, allowing the climbers to step onto each platform and be lifted upwards.
3. Utilize a powerful fan at the bottom of the shaft to create a constant upward draft, enabling the climbers to float and guide themselves up.
4. Develop suction gloves and boots that securely stick to the walls, allowing the climbers to gradually climb up.
5. Design a set of specially engineered shoes with hidden hooks that can latch onto small ledges or indentations on the walls to slowly ascend.
6. Utilize a series of motorized pulleys connected to harnesses worn by the climbers, pulling them up simultaneously.
7. Build a network of trampolines inside the shaft, using the combined force of bouncing to propel the climbers upwards.
8. Attach magnetic plates to the climbers' hands and feet, which can securely adhere to metal plates embedded in the shaft's walls.
9. Create a system of powered gloves that feature strong adhesive palm pads, allowing the climbers to grip the walls and pull themselves up.
10. Utilize a specialized climbing machine with multiple arms and gripping mechanisms that can transport the climbers up the shaft.
11. Use a combination of climbing gear, such as harnesses, ropes, and ascenders, to ascend progressively by belaying each other.
12. Develop wearable exoskeleton suits that assist in providing additional strength and support to the climbers as they ascend.
13. Invent large inflatable bubbles that the climbers can step inside, then inflate and release at the bottom, allowing them to float upwards.
14. Use specialized climbing robots that can latch onto the shaft's walls and transport the climbers on their backs.
15. Install a series of handholds and footholds along the shaft's walls, resembling a rock climbing wall, to facilitate the ascent.
16. Develop shoes with retractable spikes or claws that can dig into the walls, providing traction for the climbers to climb.
17. Utilize vacuum-assisted climbing technology, where climbers wear suction cups on their hands and feet that can be activated to stick to the walls as they ascend.
18. Construct a series of horizontal ledges at various intervals inside the shaft, allowing the climbers to rest and regain energy between ascents.
19. Use a high-powered water jet system at the bottom of the shaft, propelling the climbers upwards as they hold on to specially designed handles connected to the water jets.
20. Develop a combination of a bicycle-like pedal system and a pulley system, enabling the climbers to pedal their way up using their leg strength while being lifted by the pulleys.

furthermore, this is in a medieval setting, there is no technology such as eletricy

Apologies for the previous suggestions that did not align with the medieval setting. Here are twenty clever ways for four people to climb the six-mile shaft in a medieval setting:

1. Construct a network of wooden ladders, carefully secured to the walls, for the climbers to ascend.
2. Create a human chain, where each person firmly holds onto the climber above them as they progressively ascend.
3. Craft a set of wooden platforms, connected by ropes, that can be pulled up as each climber reaches the next platform.
4. Fashion a system of large, interlocking wooden beams with notches and handholds carved into them, forming a makeshift staircase.
5. Use thick ropes with knots tied at intervals, providing footholds for the climbers to step on and securely ascend.
6. Develop a series of cranes or pulleys at various points inside the shaft, allowing the climbers to be hoisted up one by one.
7. Build a scaffold-like structure using wooden poles and planks, incrementally raising it higher as the climbers ascend.
8. Utilize a system of strategically placed wooden spikes or protrusions on the walls, providing handholds and footholds for the climbers.
9. Fashion rope ladders using twisted and knotted vines, anchored securely to the walls, for the climbers to ascend.
10. Use large, sturdy buckets or baskets attached to a rope system, allowing each climber to be hauled up to the next level.
11. Craft wooden or metal hooks that can be thrown and anchored into small crevices or cracks on the walls, aiding the climbers in their ascent.
12. Construct a wooden spiral staircase along the shaft's walls, carefully supported by beams and braces.
13. Fashion harnesses made from strong leather straps, enabling the climbers to be attached to a central rope as they ascend.
14. Install carved wooden grips in the shape of animal claws or hands at different heights, allowing the climbers to grasp and pull themselves up.
15. Create a series of wooden or stone ledges at regular intervals, providing resting points for the climbers to regain energy before continuing.
16. Utilize large tree trunks or logs, flattened on one side and secured to the wall, forming a natural ladder for the climbers to use.
17. Develop a system of interconnected rope loops or loops made from woven vines, forming a ladder-like structure for the climbers to ascend.
18. Construct a series of wooden wedges or steps hammered into the walls, providing footholds for the climbers to steadily climb.
19. Create a series of small wooden platforms, reinforced with solid beams, where the climbers can rest and switch positions.
20. Use wooden or metal hooks attached to long poles, allowing the climbers to engage with notches or holes in the walls and push themselves upwards.

Certainly! Here are twenty possible ways the four people could climb the six-mile shaft using clever methods:

1. Using a rope ladder:
- Person 1 climbs up using a rope ladder while the other three hold the ladder steady.
- Person 2 climbs up using a rope ladder while the other three hold the ladder steady.
- Person 3 climbs up using a rope ladder while the other three hold the ladder steady.
- Person 4 climbs up using a rope ladder while the other three hold the ladder steady.

2. Using a human pyramid:
- Persons 1 and 2 climb on top of each other's shoulders, reaching a higher height.
- Persons 3 and 4 climb on top of each other's shoulders, reaching a higher height.

3. Using a pulley system:
- Persons 1 and 2 tie themselves to one side of a rope, while persons 3 and 4 pull them up using a pulley system.
- Persons 3 and 4 tie themselves to one side of a rope, while persons 1 and 2 pull them up using a pulley system.

4. Using a makeshift elevator:
- Persons 1 and 2 create a makeshift elevator using a platform, ropes, and pulleys, while persons 3 and 4 stand on it as it ascends.

5. Parachuting:
- Persons 1 and 2 parachute onto the top of the shaft while persons 3 and 4 provide support from below.

6. Climbing using suction cups:
- Persons 1 and 2 use suction cups to climb the sides of the shaft, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional climbing equipment.

7. Riding on each other's backs:
- Persons 1 and 2 take turns riding piggyback on persons 3 and 4, alternating as they climb up.

8. Using jetpacks:
- Each person wears a jetpack, allowing them to ascend independently.

9. Using magnetic boots:
- Persons 1 and 2 wear magnetic boots that stick to the metal shaft while persons 3 and 4 climb up using traditional methods.

10. Using an air cannon:
- Persons 1 and 2 get shot up the shaft using an air cannon, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

11. Creating a rope swing:
- Persons 1 and 2 swing on a rope, gaining momentum to climb higher, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

12. Using a hot air balloon:
- Persons 1 and 2 use a hot air balloon to ascend, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

13. Building a makeshift staircase:
- Persons 1 and 2 build a staircase using materials found nearby, while persons 3 and 4 climb the stairs.

14. Using a drone:
- Persons 1 and 2 attach themselves to a harness hanging from a drone, which lifts them up, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

15. Using gecko gloves:
- Persons 1 and 2 wear gloves with gecko-like adhesive properties, allowing them to stick to the wall while climbing, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

16. Using a helicopter:
- Persons 1 and 2 are airlifted by a helicopter, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

17. Using a human catapult:
- Persons 1 and 2 are launched up the shaft using a human-sized catapult, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

18. Using a trampoline:
- Persons 1 and 2 bounce on a trampoline, reaching higher heights with each bounce, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

19. Using a zip line:
- Persons 1 and 2 slide up the shaft on a zip line, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

20. Using a series of cranes:
- Persons 1 and 2 are lifted from one crane to another, gradually moving higher, while persons 3 and 4 climb using traditional methods.

These are just some clever ways in which the four people could climb the six-mile shaft. Note that some of these methods may be purely hypothetical or require significant resources.