What's a lore accurate build for Ellen Ripley in Dead By Daylight

In Dead By Daylight, creating a lore accurate build for Ellen Ripley from the Alien franchise can be challenging since the game doesn't have an officially licensed Alien chapter. However, here is a potential build that tries to capture her survival skills and resourcefulness:

1. Resilience: Captures Ripley's resilience and determination to survive. This perk increases repair, healing, and sabotage speeds when injured.
2. Urban Evasion: Reflects Ripley's ability to navigate and hide effectively. This perk significantly improves the crouching movement speed.
3. Iron Will: Mirrors Ripley's ability to stay silent and composed under stressful situations. This perk reduces grunts of pain caused by injury.
4. Borrowed Time: Symbolizes Ripley's selflessness and willingness to help others. This perk activates when you rescue an ally from a hook, granting them a temporary health state extension.

Although not specifically tailored to Ripley, these perks reflect her abilities and traits that contributed to her survival in the Alien series. Remember, Dead By Daylight is an ever-changing game, and new perks are introduced regularly. Adjusting the build to take advantage of newer perks can enhance the gameplay experience.