lcm of

22 5 and 24

To find the least common multiple (LCM) of 22, 5, and 24, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the prime factorization of each number:
- Prime factorization of 22: 2 x 11
- Prime factorization of 5: 5
- Prime factorization of 24: 2 x 2 x 2 x 3

Step 2: Identify the highest exponent for each prime factor:
- The highest exponent of 2 is 3.
- The exponent of 11 is 1.
- The exponent of 3 is 1.
- The exponent of 5 is 1.

Step 3: Multiply the prime factors with their highest exponents:
- LCM = 2^3 x 11 x 3 x 5
- LCM = 8 x 11 x 3 x 5
- LCM = 1320

Therefore, the LCM of 22, 5, and 24 is 1320.