Why was Muhammad role in establishing and spreading Islam?

Muhammad was the central figure in establishing and spreading Islam due to several key reasons:

1. Prophethood: According to Islamic belief, Muhammad is considered the last and final messenger of God. Muslims believe that he was chosen by God to convey His message, deliver the Qur'an, and guide humanity towards the path of righteousness.

2. Revelation of the Qur'an: Muhammad received a series of revelations from God through the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. These revelations were compiled to form the holy book of Islam, the Qur'an. Muhammad's role was pivotal in disseminating the teachings of the Qur'an to his followers.

3. Leadership and Governance: Muhammad was not just a religious leader but also a political and social leader. He established the first Islamic state in Medina, uniting various tribes and clans under the principles of justice, equality, and monotheism. His leadership set precedents for governance in an Islamic society, which later became the basis for Islamic law.

4. Military Expeditions: Muhammad led several military expeditions, especially after the migration to Medina. These expeditions were mainly defensive and aimed at protecting the Muslim community and establishing peace. As the leader of these military campaigns, Muhammad played a crucial role in defending and expanding the territories under Islamic governance.

5. Personal Character and Example: Muhammad's personal character and behavior served as a model for Muslims to emulate. His kindness, compassion, truthfulness, and integrity inspired his companions and followers to adopt these qualities in their own lives. Muhammad's exemplary life became a source of guidance and inspiration for millions of Muslims throughout history.

6. Expansion of Islam: Muhammad's efforts led to the rapid expansion of Islam. Through his teachings, leadership, and the establishment of an Islamic state, Islam spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula during his lifetime. After his death, his companions and successors continued the expansion, eventually reaching regions beyond Arabia and establishing one of the largest empires in history.

Overall, Muhammad's role in establishing and spreading Islam was multifaceted, encompassing both religious and worldly aspects. His leadership, teachings, and personal example continue to shape the beliefs and practices of Muslims worldwide.