John and Chris play soccer on separate teams. John's team practices 6 hours every 2 days and Chris' team practices 8 hours every 4 days. Show a graph or explain the average number of hours John and Chris practice

To determine the average number of hours John and Chris practice, we can calculate the average number of hours per day.

John's team practices for 6 hours every 2 days.
Therefore, the average number of hours per day is:
(6 hours * 1 day) / 2 days = 3 hours/day

Chris' team practices for 8 hours every 4 days.
Therefore, the average number of hours per day is:
(8 hours * 1 day) / 4 days = 2 hours/day

We can now represent this information on a graph.

On the x-axis, we can represent the number of days.
On the y-axis, we can represent the number of hours practiced.

For John, we can plot a point (2, 6), indicating that after 2 days his team has practiced for a total of 6 hours. We can also plot the point (4, 12), indicating that after 4 days his team has practiced for a total of 12 hours. We can then draw a line connecting these points.

For Chris, we can plot a point (4, 8), indicating that after 4 days his team has practiced for a total of 8 hours. We can also plot the point (8, 16), indicating that after 8 days his team has practiced for a total of 16 hours. We can then draw a line connecting these points.

The graph will show that on average, John practices 3 hours per day, while Chris practices 2 hours per day.