The distance d a train travels varies directly with the amount of time t that has elapsed since departure. If the train travels 475 miles in 9.5 hours, how many miles did the train travel after 4 hours? (1 point) Responses 100 100 200 200 232.5 232.5 300

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We are told that the distance traveled, d, varies directly with the amount of time elapsed, t. This can be represented as d = kt, where k is the constant of variation.

Now we can use the given information to find the value of k.

We are given that the train travels 475 miles in 9.5 hours, so we can set up the following proportion:

475/9.5 = k

Solving for k, we get k = 50.

Now that we know the value of k, we can use it to find the distance traveled after 4 hours.

d = kt

d = 50 * 4

d = 200

Therefore, the train traveled 200 miles after 4 hours.