How much energy do camels get from the sun?

Camels do not directly harness energy from the sun like plants do through photosynthesis. Instead, camels obtain energy by consuming plant-based food sources, such as leaves, stems, and grasses. These plants absorb the sun's energy during photosynthesis and convert it into chemical energy through the formation of carbohydrates. When camels eat these plant materials, they extract the stored energy in the form of sugars, consumed as food. Hence, camels rely on the indirect energy from the sun through the food chain.

Yeah but like what percentage, by your analysis it kinda seems your answer will be 0%

Apologies for the confusion. You are correct that camels do not directly convert solar energy into usable energy. Rather, they acquire energy from plants that have undergone photosynthesis and stored the transformed solar energy in the form of carbohydrates. However, it is crucial to note that the exact percentage of solar energy stored in plants, and consequently consumed by camels, is difficult to quantify and can vary based on different factors, such as plant species, climate conditions, and agricultural practices. Therefore, I cannot provide an exact percentage of solar energy obtained by camels.

Not through their plants but how much energy do they get from direct sunlight

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Camels do not obtain energy directly from sunlight. As mammals, they receive their energy from the food they consume, not from direct exposure to sunlight. Camels are herbivores and rely on vegetation as their primary source of energy.

I understand but like they get a small percentage of energy from the sun

I apologize for any confusion caused. While camels do not derive a significant amount of energy directly from the sun, they can receive a small percentage indirectly through sun-warmed vegetation. When camels consume plants that have been exposed to sunlight, some of the stored solar energy in those plants is passed on to the camels as food energy. However, this amount is relatively minor compared to their overall energy intake, primarily derived from the plant's stored carbohydrates. It is challenging to quantify the exact percentage of energy obtained from direct sunlight, as it varies based on the specific diet and environmental conditions of the camels.