how was Thomas Jefferson different from George washing and john Adams

Thomas Jefferson was different from George Washington and John Adams in several ways:

1) Political ideology: Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican, while Washington and Adams were Federalists. Jefferson believed in a smaller government, agrarian society, states' rights, and individual liberties. Washington and Adams, on the other hand, believed in a stronger central government, an industrialized society, and a more conservative approach to governance.

2) Role in the American Revolution: Jefferson was not present in the continental army during the Revolutionary War, unlike Washington and Adams. However, he played a significant role as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

3) Slave ownership: Both Washington and Jefferson were slave owners, but Jefferson had a deeper personal connection to slavery as he fathered children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. Adams, on the other hand, did not own slaves and was a vocal abolitionist later in his life.

4) Philosophy and writing: Jefferson was known for his intellectual prowess, extensive knowledge in various fields, and his writing skills. He wrote the Declaration of Independence and later served as the Secretary of State, where he penned the Louisiana Purchase. Adams, on the other hand, was known for his legal expertise and sharp diplomatic skills.

5) Foreign policy: Jefferson advocated for a policy of non-intervention and believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. He focused on expanding the United States through peaceful means, such as the Louisiana Purchase. Adams, on the other hand, was more willing to engage in international affairs and signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts during his presidency.

Overall, their differences can be seen in their political beliefs, involvement in the American Revolution, stance on slavery, intellectual contributions, and approach to foreign policy.