Today more than half of women with preschool children are

(1 point)
• unmarried
• working
• teenagers
• victims of violence


Wow for real? Why.

There could be various reasons why more than half of women with preschool children are unmarried. Some possible reasons could include:

1. Changing societal norms: Societal norms regarding marriage and family have shifted over time. Marriage is no longer seen as a prerequisite for starting a family, and many couples now choose to have children without getting married.

2. Delayed marriage: People are getting married at a later age compared to previous generations. This means that more women are having children before they get married, leading to a higher rate of unmarried mothers.

3. Divorce and separation: The rate of divorce and separation has increased in many countries. This means that there are more single parents, including unmarried mothers, raising preschool children.

4. Financial independence: Women today are more financially independent, which allows them to make choices about starting a family on their own terms. Some women may choose to have children without getting married, as they feel they can provide for their child independently.

It's important to note that these are just a few potential reasons, and individual circumstances for each unmarried mother may vary.

To determine the correct answer, we will need to analyze each option:

1. Unmarried: To find out the percentage of unmarried women with preschool children, we would need access to the data or statistics related to the marital status of these women. This statistic differs between countries and regions, so it would require specific research or current data to provide an accurate answer.

2. Working: Similarly, determining the percentage of working women with preschool children would involve accessing relevant data or statistics on employment rates among women with young children. This also varies based on country, region, and individual circumstances, making it difficult to provide a precise answer without current and specific information.

3. Teenagers: To find the percentage of teenagers with preschool children, we would need data on teenage pregnancies and the number of teenagers who become parents. Again, this statistic can vary significantly depending on the country and region, so specific data would be needed to answer this question comprehensively.

4. Victims of violence: Determining the percentage of women with preschool children who are victims of violence would typically require comprehensive studies, surveys, or data from domestic violence organizations or government agencies. Without access to specific studies or reliable data, it would be challenging to provide an accurate answer.

In summary, without specific data or statistics, it is not possible to determine the correct answer regarding the percentage of women with preschool children who are unmarried, working, teenagers, or victims of violence. These statistics can vary significantly based on various factors such as location, time period, and demographic characteristics.