Why do workers mostly sell their labor?

to earn more income
to grow their productivity
to become entrepreneurs
to avoid inflation

Workers mostly sell their labor for several reasons:

1. To earn more income: Selling their labor allows workers to earn a wage or salary, which provides them with a regular income to meet their financial needs and support their families.
2. To grow their productivity: By selling their labor, workers have the opportunity to gain skills, knowledge, and experience that can enhance their productivity and make them more valuable in the job market. This also provides them with opportunities for career advancement.
3. To become entrepreneurs: Some workers may sell their labor to gain experience and knowledge in a specific industry or field, with the goal of eventually starting their own business or becoming self-employed.
4. To avoid inflation: Inflation refers to the continuous increase in the general price level of goods and services in the economy. By selling their labor for a wage or salary, workers can offset the impact of inflation to some extent, as their earnings typically increase over time to keep up with rising living costs.