What is the amino acid and mRNA of TAC, CGC, CCC, CCA, GAT, CAA, and ATC

The amino acid and mRNA sequence for the given DNA codons are as follows:

1. TAC: Threonine (amino acid) - AUG (mRNA)
2. CGC: Arginine (amino acid) - GCG (mRNA)
3. CCC: Proline (amino acid) - GGG (mRNA)
4. CCA: Proline (amino acid) - GGU (mRNA)
5. GAT: Aspartic acid (amino acid) - GAU (mRNA)
6. CAA: Glutamine (amino acid) - CAA (mRNA)
7. ATC: Isoleucine (amino acid) - AUC (mRNA)

What is the amino acid and mRNA of TAC, CGC, CCC, CCA, GAT, CAA, and ATC

Put the answer in abbreviations.

The amino acid and mRNA abbreviations for the given DNA codons are as follows:

1. TAC: Thr (amino acid) - AUG (mRNA)
2. CGC: Arg (amino acid) - GCG (mRNA)
3. CCC: Pro (amino acid) - GGG (mRNA)
4. CCA: Pro (amino acid) - GGU (mRNA)
5. GAT: Asp (amino acid) - GAU (mRNA)
6. CAA: Gln (amino acid) - CAA (mRNA)
7. ATC: Ile (amino acid) - AUC (mRNA)

RNA contains ___ which replaces ____ in DNA

RNA contains uracil (U) which replaces thymine (T) in DNA.

To determine the amino acid and mRNA sequence for each codon, we need to refer to the genetic code, which provides the correspondence between mRNA codons and the amino acids they encode. The genetic code is universal, meaning it is the same for all living organisms.

Here are the amino acid and mRNA sequences for each of the codons you provided:

1. TAC
- The corresponding mRNA codon is AUG (since TAC is the complementary DNA sequence to AUG).
- AUG codes for the amino acid Methionine (Met).

2. CGC
- The corresponding mRNA codon is GCG (since CGC is the complementary DNA sequence to GCG).
- GCG codes for the amino acid Alanine (Ala).

3. CCC
- The corresponding mRNA codon is GGG (since CCC is the complementary DNA sequence to GGG).
- GGG codes for the amino acid Glycine (Gly).

4. CCA
- The corresponding mRNA codon is GGU (since CCA is the complementary DNA sequence to GGT).
- GGU codes for the amino acid Glycine (Gly).

5. GAT
- The corresponding mRNA codon is GAU (since GAT is the complementary DNA sequence to GAU).
- GAU codes for the amino acid Aspartic Acid (Asp).

6. CAA
- The corresponding mRNA codon is GUU (since CAA is the complementary DNA sequence to GUU).
- GUU codes for the amino acid Valine (Val).

7. ATC
- The corresponding mRNA codon is UAG (since ATC is the complementary DNA sequence to TAG).
- UAG is a stop codon and does not code for any amino acid.

Remember, mRNA is the template for protein synthesis, and each codon specifies a specific amino acid. The genetic code provides the key to determining the corresponding amino acid for each mRNA codon.