The following question references the novel The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane.

Give three examples from the book of the Man vs. Nature conflict regarding Death. (hint: Death: an exposer of weakness, warring against human limits, and fear and avoidance of it.)

1. In the novel, one example of the Man vs. Nature conflict regarding Death is seen when the soldiers face the harsh realities of war. They are constantly exposed to the threat of death from bullets, shells, and other weapons. The fear and avoidance of death are evident as the soldiers try to find cover and protect themselves from getting shot.

2. Another example is when the soldiers encounter dead bodies on the battlefield. The exposure to death is a constant reminder to them of their own mortality. Some soldiers react with fear and sadness, avoiding the corpses, while others become desensitized to it, seeing death as a natural part of their surroundings.

3. Additionally, the physical limitations of human bodies are tested in the face of death. When the soldiers are injured, their bodies become vulnerable and weak. They struggle to fight against their wounds, but the inevitable reality of death looms over them. This creates a conflict between their desire to survive and the limitations imposed by their human nature.

In all these examples, death acts as a force of nature that exposes weakness, forces humans to confront their limits, and instills fear and avoidance.