In The Call of the Wild, when John Thornton threatens Hal against beating Buck any further, the conflict can best be described asIn The Call of the Wild, when John Thornton threatens Hal against beating Buck any further, the conflict can best be described as(1 point)


man vs. man
man vs. man

man vs. himself

The conflict can best be described as man vs. man.

u 100% sure

Yes, I am 100% sure. The conflict between John Thornton and Hal is a clear example of man vs. man conflict.

To determine the best description of the conflict in this scene from The Call of the Wild, we need to analyze the interactions between the characters and their motivations. In this particular scene, John Thornton threatens Hal, who was beating Buck, against any further harm to the dog.

The conflict can be seen as "man vs. man" because John Thornton, representing humanity's kindness and compassion, stands up against Hal's cruel treatment of Buck. This conflict arises between two individuals with opposing intentions and actions. On one hand, John Thornton aims to protect Buck and opposes Hal's abuse. On the other hand, Hal chooses to mistreat Buck and disregard his well-being.

Therefore, the best description of the conflict in this scene would be "man vs. man".