Tickets to the baseball game are on sale for $1.50 off the regular price. Dea buys 6 tickets. If her total cost is $51, what is the regular price of each ticket? Write and solve an equation of the form p(x±q)=r. Then write a sentence to explain your answer.(4 points)

Let's represent the regular price of each ticket as p. Since the tickets are on sale for $1.50 off the regular price, the discounted price of each ticket is p - $1.50.

Dea buys 6 tickets, so her total cost is the regular price for each ticket multiplied by 6: 6p.

We are told that Dea's total cost is $51, so we can set up the equation: 6p = $51.

To solve for p, we divide both sides of the equation by 6: p = $51 / 6.

Simplifying, p = $8.50.

Therefore, the regular price of each ticket is $8.50.

Explanation: Since Dea buys 6 tickets, her total cost will be the regular price of each ticket multiplied by 6. To find the regular price of each ticket, we can set up an equation and solve for p.