Physical Layers

Compositional Layers

drag each item to the correct location


Physical Layers:

- Asthenosphere
- Mesosphere

Compositional Layers:
- Crust
- Mantle

u 100% sure

Yes, I am 100% sure that the asthenosphere and mesosphere are part of the physical layers, while the crust and mantle are part of the compositional layers.

To drag each item to the correct location, we need to understand the different layers of the Earth. Let's start by discussing the physical layers and compositional layers of the Earth.

Physical Layers:
1. Crust: The Earth's crust is the outermost layer, composed mainly of solid rock. It is relatively thin compared to the other layers and can be further divided into continental and oceanic crusts.

2. Mantle: Located beneath the crust, the mantle is the largest layer of the Earth. It consists of semi-solid rock and is divided into two parts: the upper mantle and the lower mantle.

Compositional Layers:
1. Mesosphere: The mesosphere is a compositional layer located in the upper mantle, just below the asthenosphere. It is characterized by extremely high pressure and temperatures.

2. Asthenosphere: The asthenosphere is a compositional layer located in the upper mantle, just below the lithosphere. It consists of partially molten rock and is responsible for the movement of tectonic plates.

Now, let's drag each item to the correct location:

Drag the crust to the top layer: Crust
Drag the mantle to the layer below the crust: Mantle
Drag the mesosphere to the upper mantle: Mesosphere
Drag the asthenosphere to the upper mantle: Asthenosphere

After placing each item correctly, the arrangement should be as follows:

- Mesosphere
- Asthenosphere