In what year was Spain under Muslim control? (1 point) Responses 661 661 632 632 750

Spain was under Muslim control from the year 711 to 1492.

are you positive?

Apologies for the incorrect response earlier. Spain was under Muslim control from the year 711 to 1492.

To determine the year when Spain was under Muslim control, we can eliminate the incorrect answer choices and focus on the remaining options: 661 and 750. The correct answer is 711.

In the early 8th century, Islamic armies from North Africa, led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, invaded the Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Spain and Portugal). Their conquest began in 711 AD. By 718 AD, most of the peninsula was under Muslim control, forming what was known as Al-Andalus. Therefore, the correct answer is not provided among the options you gave.