Which BEST explains how rhythm can be used to build tension in movies or films?

(1 point)

It can be sped up or slowed down.

It can be sped up or slowed down.

Sound, not rhythm, is used for this.

Sound, not rhythm, is used for this.

It can only be used once in a scene.

It can only be used once in a scene.

It can be slow and steady throughout a scene.

It can be sped up or slowed down.

Is a choir in a church the same thing as an a cappella group?

(1 point)

Yes, these terms are interchangeable.

Yes, these terms are interchangeable.

No, choirs always have musical accompaniment.

No, choirs always have musical accompaniment.

If there are no instruments, a choir could be a cappella.

If there are no instruments, a choir could be a cappella.

Choirs used to be a cappella, but they are not any more.

If there are no instruments, a choir could be a cappella.

Imagine that there is a group that does not use instruments, but an individual replicates the sound of drums to maintain the beat. What term BEST describes this group?

(1 point)





a cappella

a cappella


a cappella

Often when we are watching movies or television, we do not notice all of the sounds that the sound engineer has added. Why not?

(1 point)

Sounds are only added when a scene is not working well.

Sounds are only added when a scene is not working well.

Sounds are not designed to be noticed or heard during films.

Sounds are not designed to be noticed or heard during films.

Most media do not need any additional sounds to be engaging.

Most media do not need any additional sounds to be engaging.

When well done, they do not stand out and add to the experience.

When well done, they do not stand out and add to the experience.

What do jazz and mariachi music have in common?

(1 point)

They both represent their cultures.

They both represent their cultures.

They both require an orchestra to perform.

They both require an orchestra to perform.

They both became popular in the early 1700s.

They both became popular in the early 1700s.

They both depend heavily on electronic instruments

They both represent their cultures.

Which is an example of a sound without rhythm?

(1 point)

a thunder clap

a thunder clap

rain on a roof

rain on a roof

the beat of a drum

the beat of a drum

horse hooves on a road

a thunder clap