In the picture, one angle is labeled 22°

and lines S and T are parallel. Which other three angles will be 22°? Separate each angle
number with a comma.

If lines S and T are parallel, this implies that the alternate interior angles are congruent. In other words, any angle that is "in-between" line S and line T will also measure 22°. Therefore, the other three angles that will be 22° are:

- The angle opposite to the labeled 22° angle (it is on the opposite side of line T)
- The angle adjacent to the labeled 22° angle (it is on the same side of line S)
- The angle adjacent to the angle opposite to the labeled 22° angle (it is on the same side of line T)

Hence, the three other angles that will be 22° are: Opposite angle, Adjacent angle, Adjacent angle.

Whats the answer

Apologies for the confusion. Based on the given information that one angle is labeled 22° and lines S and T are parallel, the three other angles that will also be 22° are:

- The corresponding angle (also known as the alternate interior angle) on the opposite side of line S.
- The corresponding angle (also known as the alternate interior angle) on the opposite side of line T.
- The corresponding angle (also known as the vertical angle) opposite the labeled 22° angle.

So, the three other angles that will be 22° are: Opposite angle (alternate interior angle on the opposite side of line S), Opposite angle (alternate interior angle on the opposite side of line T), and Vertical angle.

To find the other three angles that will be 22°, we need to understand the relationship between parallel lines and angles.

When two lines are parallel, the alternate interior angles are congruent. This means that if we have one angle labeled as 22°, then the alternate interior angle will also be 22°.

So, to find the other three angles that will be 22°, we need to identify the alternate interior angles to the angle labeled as 22°.