Identify the role of the Crusades in the Commercial Revolution.(1 point)


The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to an increase in maritime voyages right after the Crusades.
The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to an increase in maritime voyages right after the Crusades.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to increased desire for more knowledge and goods.
The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to increased desire for more knowledge and goods.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to many Europeans moving to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean.
The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to many Europeans moving to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which inspired them to begin making these goods themselves and trading them.

The correct response is:

The Crusades exposed Europeans to knowledge and goods that they had never seen, which led to increased desire for more knowledge and goods.

dentify the role of the Italian city-states in the European Commercial Revolution.(1 point)


Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in the Middle Ages.
Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in the Middle Ages.

Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in competition among themselves that often resulted in war.
Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in competition among themselves that often resulted in war.

Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in trade and developing new banking practices.
Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in trade and developing new banking practices.

Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by becoming art patrons and funding the development of Renaissance art.

The correct response is:

Italian city-states fueled the European Commercial Revolution by participating in trade and developing new banking practices.

To identify the role of the Crusades in the Commercial Revolution, we need to understand the context and the impact of the Crusades on Europe.

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns that took place during the Middle Ages, starting in the late 11th century. Their primary objective was to reclaim the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from Muslim control. However, the Crusades also had unintended consequences that influenced European society and economy.

One of the major impacts of the Crusades was that they exposed Europeans to new knowledge and goods that were not commonly found in Europe. As the Crusaders traveled to the Middle East, they encountered new cultures, technologies, and resources. They were introduced to exotic goods such as spices, silk, and other luxury items that were highly valued in Europe but were previously scarce.

This exposure to new knowledge and goods had several effects on European society, which ultimately contributed to the Commercial Revolution:

1. Increase in Maritime Voyages: The desire to obtain these new goods and resources inspired Europeans to seek direct trade routes to the East. This led to increased maritime voyages immediately after the Crusades. Europeans, particularly the Italians, began exploring and establishing trade routes to the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. These trade voyages played a significant role in expanding European commerce and laying the foundation for future global trade networks.

2. Increased Desire for Knowledge and Goods: The exposure to new knowledge and goods during the Crusades sparked a curiosity and thirst for more. Europeans became more interested in acquiring and learning about these foreign goods and technologies. This increased desire for knowledge and goods promoted innovation and trade in European societies.

3. Movement to Commercial Centers: The Crusades prompted many Europeans to move to commercial centers in the eastern Mediterranean. Cities such as Venice, Genoa, and Constantinople became thriving hubs of trade and economic activity. Europeans settled in these cities to engage in commerce, creating a significant boost to the local economies and laying the groundwork for the Commercial Revolution.

4. Inspiration for Local Production and Trade: The exposure to new goods during the Crusades also inspired Europeans to begin producing these goods themselves and trading them. This led to an increase in manufacturing, especially in textiles and luxury products. European cities and towns developed specialized industries and became centers of production and trade, contributing to the growth of the commercial economy.

In summary, the Crusades played a crucial role in the Commercial Revolution by exposing Europeans to new knowledge and goods, which led to increased maritime voyages, a greater desire for knowledge and goods, movement to commercial centers, and the inspiration to produce and trade these goods locally. These changes set the stage for the transformation of European economy and society during the Commercial Revolution.