what was anti-semitism in 6 sentences

Anti-Semitism is a form of discrimination or prejudice directed against Jewish individuals or communities. It has a long history, but in a nutshell, it emerged during ancient times due to religious differences and clashing cultural practices. Throughout the medieval period, Jews faced widespread discrimination, including restrictions on their rights, forced conversions, and expulsion from certain countries. During the 19th and 20th centuries, anti-Semitism intensified with the rise of nationalism and the belief in racial hierarchies. This culminated in the horrific events of the Holocaust during World War II, where six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime. Today, anti-Semitism persists in various forms, including hate crimes, conspiracy theories, denial of the Holocaust, and the targeting of Israel as a Jewish state. Efforts to combat anti-Semitism continue worldwide through education, legislation, and promoting tolerance and understanding.