Explain the meaning of the following

A. Farming system
B. Cropping system

A. Farming system refers to a holistic approach of managing and organizing agricultural activities on a farm. It includes various components such as crop production, livestock rearing, use of machinery, irrigation, soil management, pest control, and overall farm management practices. A farming system aims to optimize the use of resources, increase productivity, and ensure sustainability in agricultural practices.

B. Cropping system refers to the planned arrangement and sequence of different crops grown on a particular piece of land over a specific period. It involves the selection of crops, their cultivation techniques, and the timing of planting and harvesting. The choice of cropping system depends on factors such as climate, soil type, available resources, market demand, and the farmer's goals and preferences. Different cropping systems include monoculture (growing a single crop), intercropping (growing two or more crops together), crop rotation (alternating different crops in a specific sequence), and relay cropping (overlapping the planting and harvesting of different crops on the same field). The purpose of a cropping system is to maximize yield, minimize the risk of pests and diseases, optimize resource utilization, and maintain the long-term fertility of the soil.