If you run the starting program below, you will get an error because you can't directly add numbers to strings. Use the str() function to convert integer variables to strings so the message will print correctly.

The following example demonstrates the expected program output.

We started with 20 and have 10 tickets left!

starting_tickets = 20

tickets_sold = 10

message = "We started with " + str(starting_tickets) + " and have " + str(starting_tickets - tickets_sold) + " tickets left!"

numTickets = 20

soldTickets = 10
ticketsLeft = numTickets - soldTickets

print("We started with "+ numTickets + " and have " + ticketsLeft + " tickets left!" )

numTickets = 20

soldTickets = 10
ticketsLeft = numTickets - soldTickets

print("We started with "+ str(numTickets) + " and have " + str(ticketsLeft) + " tickets left!" )

To fix the error and print the correct message, you need to convert the integer variables to strings using the str() function. Here's how you can do it:

# Start with a variable for the initial number of tickets
number_of_tickets = 20

# Reduce the number of tickets by 10
number_of_tickets -= 10

# Convert the integer variables to strings using the str() function
initial_tickets_str = str(20)
remaining_tickets_str = str(number_of_tickets)

# Print the message with the converted strings
print("We started with " + initial_tickets_str + " and have " + remaining_tickets_str + " tickets left!")

When you run this program, it will display the following output:

We started with 20 and have 10 tickets left!