what qualities did Odysseus show when he encountered the cicones

When Odysseus encountered the Cicones, he demonstrated several qualities:

1. Leadership: Odysseus led his men with bravery and determination during the attack on the Cicones. He organized his troops and motivated them to fight.

2. Strategic thinking: Odysseus showed his ability to formulate a plan by leading his men in a surprise attack on the Cicones. He strategically planned the assault and ensured its success.

3. Skill in battle: Odysseus fought alongside his men, displaying his physical prowess and skill in combat. He used weapons effectively and demonstrated his ability to hold his own against the enemy.

4. Resourcefulness: After successfully seizing the Cicones' city, Odysseus used his resourcefulness by dividing the plunder equally among his men. This not only prevented disputes but also showed his fairness as a leader.

5. Determination: Despite the victory, Odysseus remained focused on his ultimate goal, which was to return home. He urged his men to quickly set sail, as he believed that lingering in the conquered city could bring more trouble.

Overall, Odysseus displayed qualities of leadership, strategic thinking, skill in battle, resourcefulness, and determination when encountering the Cicones.