Which graph is steepest: y=0x , y=0.4x , or y=8x ?(1 point)


All three graphs have a slope of 0, because the coefficient of x in each equation is 0. Therefore, none of the graphs are steeper than the others.

evidence -

distinguish -
open-minded -
position -

evidence - factual or empirical information that supports or proves a claim or argument

distinguish - to recognize or differentiate between two or more things

open-minded - willing to consider different perspectives or ideas without prejudice or bias

position - a particular standpoint or opinion on a topic or issue

Authors of informational texts often take a __________________ on the topic they are writing about.

Authors carefully select ___________________.
They use ___________________, ___________________, examples, and ______________________ to distinguish their positions from that of other __________________.

Authors of informational texts often take a position on the topic they are writing about.

Authors carefully select evidence and examples.
They use distinguish, open-mindedness, examples, and evidence to distinguish their positions from that of other authors.

As you read informational text, what points should you use to identify and distinguish an author’s position? (pg. 2)


As you read informational text, there are several points you can use to identify and distinguish an author's position:

1. Look for explicit statements: Authors often directly state their position in the text. Pay attention to any statements that clearly express the author's viewpoint or argument.

2. Consider the tone and language used: Authors may use certain words or phrases that reveal their stance on the topic. Look for words with positive or negative connotations that indicate the author's perspective.

3. Identify the main arguments: Authors typically present a series of arguments or points to support their position. Analyze these arguments and determine whether they align with a particular viewpoint or stance.

4. Evaluate the evidence and examples provided: Authors use evidence to support their claims. Assess the types of evidence presented and determine if they are biased or objective, as this can provide insights into the author's position.

Remember that understanding an author's position requires careful reading and critical thinking. It is important to consider multiple viewpoints and seek evidence to support or challenge the author's claims.

position -

The term "position" refers to a particular standpoint or opinion on a topic or issue. In the context of reading informational text, an author's position refers to their viewpoint or perspective on the subject matter they are writing about. It is the central argument or claim that they put forward and support with evidence and reasoning throughout the text. An author's position can be explicitly stated or implied through their selection of evidence, tone, language, and overall argumentation. Identifying and understanding an author's position is crucial for critically analyzing and evaluating the information presented in the text.