Describe two environmental impacts of urbanization in Latin America.

1) Deforestation: Urbanization in Latin America often leads to deforestation as cities expand and encroach upon forests and other natural areas. Trees are cut down to make way for infrastructure and buildings, resulting in the loss of biodiversity and habitat for various species. Deforestation also contributes to climate change, as trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

2) Water pollution: The rapid increase in urbanization in Latin America has put a tremendous strain on water resources. As cities grow, the demand for water increases, leading to the overexploitation of water sources such as rivers and underground aquifers. The inadequate management of wastewater and effluent from industries and households also contribute to water pollution. Polluted water affects aquatic ecosystems, including fish populations, and poses health risks for both humans and wildlife that rely on these water sources.