Which phrase describes evidence? (1 point)

a statement put forth in support of an argument
specific information that supports an idea
• an opinion formed based on facts
O reasons to support a claim

specific information that supports an idea

Which phrase describes the purpose of reasons in a persuasive essay? (1 point)

O to prove evidence
• to support a claim
• to show how ideas connect
• to express an opinion

to support a claim

The correct phrase that describes evidence is "specific information that supports an idea."

To determine the answer, you need to read and understand each phrase and then think about which one accurately defines evidence. Let's break down each option:

1. "A statement put forth in support of an argument": This option implies that evidence is simply a statement, but evidence is more than just a statement; it consists of specific information or facts.

2. "Specific information that supports an idea": This option accurately defines evidence. Evidence is information, data, or facts that provide support for an idea or argument. It is specific and helps to substantiate or back up a claim.

3. "An opinion formed based on facts": This option describes an opinion that is formed by considering factual information. However, evidence is not an opinion itself but rather the information or facts that form the basis for an opinion.

4. "Reasons to support a claim": While evidence can indeed be used to support a claim, this option is not as accurate as the previous one. Evidence is more focused on providing specific information rather than being a reason itself.

Therefore, the correct phrase that describes evidence is "specific information that supports an idea."