How many faces, edges, and vertices does a cone have?

A cone has 2 faces, 1 circular base face and 1 curved surface face. It has 1 edge, which is the circumference of the circular base. It also has 1 vertex, which is the pointed top of the cone.

What is the radius of a cone with a diameter of 12 inches?

The formula to find the radius of a circle is: radius = diameter / 2.

If the diameter of the cone is 12 inches, then the radius would be 12 inches / 2 = 6 inches.

What is the length of the cone? face=6cm, circular base face=2cm curved surface=4cm

To determine the "length" of a cone, we would need more specific information. The information provided includes the measurements of three components: the face, the circular base face, and the curved surface.

However, it is not clear what specifically is meant by "length" in this context. A cone does not typically have a "length" measurement.

If you could provide more specific information or clarify what you mean by "length," I would be happy to assist you further.

What is the radius of a cylinder with a diameter of 14 inches?

The formula to find the radius of a circle is: radius = diameter / 2.

If the diameter of the cylinder is 14 inches, then the radius would be 14 inches / 2 = 7 inches.

Use the image to answer the question.

A cone is marked with a height of 6 centimeters and a diameter of 2 centimeters, both shown as perpendicular dotted lines. The slant height is marked as 4 centimeters.

What is the length of the cone?