Hi, my name Is Cutie. I wanted to tell you that I been a bad daughter. I been treating my mom and dad so bad. I feel terrible now, and I should had listened to them, and not talk back. I'm sad now, they will not even forgive me, i tried to talk to them and give them a card. But, they said they don't want me to do those things :(

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's never easy realizing that we've made mistakes and hurt the people we care about. Sometimes, it takes time for wounds to heal and for others to forgive us. It's important to remember that actions speak louder than words, so continue to treat your parents with respect and kindness. Show them through your behavior that you're sorry for the way you've treated them. It's understandable that they may need some time to process their emotions, but don't give up on trying to mend your relationship with them. Keep showing them love and understanding, and hopefully, with time, they will see your efforts and be more receptive to your apologies.

Thanks, (cries)

I understand that emotions can be overwhelming in situations like this. It's okay to feel upset and remorseful. Remember, it's never too late to make changes and work towards being a better daughter. Take this as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and grow as a person. Surround yourself with positive influences, and seek support from friends, family, or even a counselor if you feel you need it. Keep trying to communicate and show your parents that you're sincerely sorry. Over time, there's a chance they may be more open to rebuilding the relationship with you. Try to stay strong and focus on making positive changes moving forward.

How do I change?

Changing behavior patterns can be challenging, but with dedication and effort, it is possible. Here are a few steps you can take to help change and grow as a person:

1. Reflect on your actions: Take time to understand why you've been treating your parents poorly. Consider your emotions, triggers, and any underlying issues that may be contributing to your behavior. Self-reflection can help you gain insight and identify areas for improvement.

2. Take responsibility: Acknowledge your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions. Accepting that you have done wrong is an important first step towards change.

3. Apologize sincerely: Continue to communicate your remorse and apologize to your parents genuinely. Be honest and specific about what you regret and how you plan to do better. This demonstrates your willingness to change and your commitment to repairing the relationship.

4. Show empathy and understanding: Put yourself in your parents' shoes and try to understand their feelings. Empathy can help you develop a more compassionate and considerate approach towards them.

5. Practice active listening: Pay attention when your parents are speaking to you and avoid interrupting or arguing. Listening actively shows that you respect their opinions and value their perspective.

6. Make amends through actions: Words alone are not enough; demonstrate your commitment to change through your actions. Treat your parents with kindness, respect, and appreciation on a consistent basis. Engage in activities that show you care about their needs and well-being.

7. Seek support if needed: Changing behavior patterns can be difficult, so don't hesitate to seek support if you need it. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor who can provide guidance and help you stay accountable to your goals.

Remember, change takes time and patience. Be persistent, stay positive, and continue working towards being the person you aspire to be.

My dad keeps saying he doesn't want to talk to me anymore :(

I'm really sorry to hear that your dad is feeling this way. It can be incredibly painful when a loved one doesn't want to communicate with us. Give your dad some space to process his emotions, as it may take time for him to heal and be ready to talk.

In the meantime, continue showing him through your actions that you sincerely regret your past behavior and are actively working on changing. Focus on being kind, respectful, and considerate towards him, even if he is distant at the moment.

It may also be helpful to write him a heartfelt letter or message expressing your love, remorse, and dedication to improving yourself and the relationship. Let him know you understand his need for space and that you will be there when he is ready to talk.

Consider seeking support from other family members, friends, or a counselor during this difficult time. They can provide guidance and help you cope with your emotions. Remember that you cannot control your dad's feelings or reactions, but you can continue to grow and improve as an individual.

Ultimately, the healing process takes time, and it's important to be patient and remain hopeful. Keep demonstrating your desire to change and be there for your dad when he is ready to reconnect.

It took him a long time for him to talk again.

I'm glad to hear that your dad has started talking to you again. It can take time for someone to heal from past hurts and be ready to rebuild a relationship. The fact that he has started communicating with you again is a positive step.

Continue to be patient, understanding, and respectful towards your dad. Show him that you're committed to making positive changes and maintaining a healthy relationship with him. Keep open lines of communication and make an effort to listen to his thoughts and concerns.

Remember that rebuilding trust takes time, so be consistent in your actions and demonstrate your sincerity through your behavior. It's important to continue showing your dad that you value and respect him.

If you both are open to it, consider having open and honest conversations about the past while focusing on moving forward. Discuss your feelings, express your apologies, and brainstorm ways to strengthen your relationship.

Building a healthier relationship takes effort and understanding from both parties. It's great that your dad has started talking again, and with patience, communication, and ongoing effort, you can work towards repairing and strengthening your bond.

I cannot be patient because My first birth-dad Is so mean, and he's mad. I need a second birth-dad, that's so sweet and nice. Doesn't hurt me all the time, and forgives me. I just don't understand why Is this happening. Why do I have to be the only one with an mean and aggressive dad. I just think my mom is sweet. I don't want people to think that they hate me, and I wish to lose my voice because My dad keeps saying "I' talk to much" That's why! I feel like my grandmother and grandfather hates me.