Which of the following were the causes of the French and Indian War? (Select 2) (2 points)

The British tricked the French and Native Americans into fighting against each other.

Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders.

The French and the Native Americans both wanted to control the gold trade.

The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders.

The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

Pick 2

The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders.

To determine the causes of the French and Indian War, we can evaluate each option.

1) The British tricked the French and Native Americans into fighting against each other: This statement is not accurate. While there were instances of British and French manipulation of native tribes during the war, it was not a primary cause of the conflict.

2) Native Americans wanted to protect their land and resources from outsiders: This is one of the causes of the French and Indian War. Native American tribes, particularly those located in the Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes region, were concerned about the encroachment of British and French settlers on their territories.

3) The French and the Native Americans both wanted to control the gold trade: This statement is not a cause of the French and Indian War. The war was primarily rooted in territorial disputes between the British and French powers in North America, rather than concerns over gold trade specifically.

4) The British and the French both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley: This is another cause of the French and Indian War. Both the British and the French sought to exert control over the Ohio River Valley due to its strategic importance in trade and expansion.

Therefore, the two causes of the French and Indian War are: Native Americans wanting to protect their land and resources from outsiders, and the British and the French both wanting control of the Ohio River Valley.