Akeem wants to have a lemonade stand at the community fair. It costs him $2 to make each cup of lemonade plus a $40 renter's fee for the stand. He sells the lemonade for $6 per cup. How many cups does Akeem have to sell to break even?(1 point)


To break even, Akeem needs to cover his costs, which include the cost to make each cup of lemonade and the renter's fee for the stand.

The cost to make each cup of lemonade is $2, and the renter's fee for the stand is $40. So, his total cost per cup of lemonade is $2 + $40 = $42.

Akeem sells each cup of lemonade for $6.

To break even, Akeem needs to sell enough cups of lemonade to cover his costs. This can be calculated by dividing his total costs by the selling price of each cup of lemonade:

Total cups needed = Total costs / Selling price per cup
Total cups needed = $42 / $6
Total cups needed = 7

Therefore, Akeem needs to sell 7 cups of lemonade to break even.
