Abraham had 672 bottles of juice. He sold 1 4 of them to george and 2 3 of the remainder to hillary. How many bottles did he sell to hillary?

Let's break down the information step by step to find out how many bottles Abraham sold to Hillary.

1. Abraham had 672 bottles of juice initially.
2. He sold 1/4 of them to George.

To find out how many bottles he sold to George, we calculate 1/4 of 672:
(1/4) * 672 = 168 bottles

Now, let's determine how many bottles were left after selling to George:
672 bottles - 168 bottles sold to George = 504 bottles remaining

3. He then sold 2/3 of the remaining bottles to Hillary.

To find out how many bottles he sold to Hillary, we calculate 2/3 of the remaining 504 bottles:
(2/3) * 504 = 336 bottles

Abraham sold 336 bottles to Hillary.