Find the domain and the range of the relation. Determine whether the relation is a function.

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Part 1
The domain is StartSet nothing EndSet
​(Use a comma to separate answers as​ needed.)

It seems like there's a mistake in processing your question. You provided "InputOutput-83-9865" which appears to be a format to describe a set of input-output pairs or a relation, but it's rather unclear. A relation in mathematics typically consists of pairs of numbers where the first element is considered the input, and the second element is the output.

In your case, we need more specific input-output pairs to determine the domain and range and whether the relation is a function or not. A proper example of input-output pairs for a relation might look like this: (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 6), where the domain (set of all inputs) would be {1, 2, 3} and the range (set of all outputs) would be {3, 4, 6}.

Please provide a clear and complete list of input-output pairs so that I can accurately calculate the domain and range and determine if the relation is a function.

For a quick refresher:
- The domain of a relation is the set of all possible inputs (x-values).
- The range of a relation is the set of all possible outputs (y-values).
- A relation is a function if for every input there is only one possible output (no x-value is repeated with different y-values).