Which is an example of form in art? The shapes used in a painting. The type art this is created. Physical materials used in sculpture. The kind of artists who makes the art.

In art, "form" can refer to several different concepts, but generally, it relates to the physical structure and the design elements of the artwork. Therefore, the closest example of form in the options provided is "the shapes used in a painting."

Here's a breakdown of why this is the case:

- The shapes used in a painting: Form can refer to the visible shape or configuration of something within an artwork. In a painting, the shapes—the lines, colors, and textures—come together to create the form of objects within the painting. Form can be two-dimensional (height and width) as in a painting or drawing, or three-dimensional (height, width, and depth), as in sculpture.

- The type of art that is created: This would refer more to the genre or style of the art (e.g., impressionism, realism, abstract, etc.), rather than to form itself.

- Physical materials used in sculpture: This would be more accurately described as medium or materials, not form. The medium refers to the substance the artist uses to create his or her artwork (e.g., stone, metal, clay for sculptures).

- The kind of artist who makes the art: This pertains to the artist's identity or profession and has no direct connection to the concept of form in their work.

It is vital to distinguish between "form" as a physical attribute of art and other related terms such as medium, style, or the identity of the artist, which speak to different aspects of the creation or categorization of artwork.

What’s the answer

The example of form in art from the options you provided is "the shapes used in a painting." Form in art is related to the elements that make up the composition, such as shapes, and how they are arranged within the piece.

The example of form in art is the shapes used in a painting. Form refers to the three-dimensional quality of an object or artwork, and in terms of paintings, it can be achieved through the use of various shapes and their arrangement. To understand this concept, you can look closely at a painting and analyze the shapes present within it. Ask yourself questions like: Are the shapes flat or do they appear to have depth? Do the shapes create a sense of volume or solidity? By examining the shapes in a painting, you can identify the form and gain a deeper understanding of the artist's intent.