Use the graph to answer the question.

The vertical axis is labeled millions and ranges from 0 to 900 in increments of 100. The horizontal axis is labeled year and lists dates from 1700 to 2000 in 100-year increments. The line for population starts at 90 million for 1700 and with a slow growth rate reaches to 120 million by 1900. The line then rises with a high growth rate and reaches beyond 600 million by 2000. The line for steel consumption starts from 0 in 1860 and reaches 20 million by 1900. The line then rises with a high growth rate to reach beyond 800 million by 2000. The values used in the description are approximate.

What led to the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph?

(1 point)

Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.
Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.
More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.
More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.

Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.

Based on the information provided and historical context, the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph from 1860 to 2000 is most likely due to the second option:

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

The industrialization period, especially throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, saw a massive increase in the construction of buildings, infrastructure, machinery, and transportation systems, all of which required significant amounts of steel. Urbanization and the growing population led to a higher demand for housing and commercial structures, while technological advancements and economic development called for more industrial facilities, bridges, and vehicles, which are all typically made with steel.

The first option, stating that steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers, does not correlate directly with steel consumption, as the significant growth in steel use started before computers became widespread.

The third option, concerning more people mining steel to be sold outside of the country, may contribute to the growth in the steel industry but does not directly explain the internal consumption trend depicted in your graph.

The fourth option, hinting at a dependency of fossil fuels on steel production, might have some validity, as the machinery and infrastructure for extracting and processing fossil fuels do require steel. However, this is not the primary factor driving the consumption of steel as presented in the graph.

so which one is right.

Apologies for any confusion. The most likely reason for the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph, considering historical context, is:

**More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.**

This reflects the boom in construction and infrastructure development that accompanied the growing population over the period from 1860 to 2000. As populations grew rapidly, especially in the 20th century, the demand for new buildings, infrastructure, and transportation greatly increased, which in turn led to a significant rise in steel consumption.

Which can be excluded from the list of environmental impacts of mining?(1 point)


habitats are destroyed
habitats are destroyed

water is polluted
water is polluted

harmful gases are released
harmful gases are released

sea level is rising

Among the given options, **"sea level is rising"** can be excluded from the list of direct environmental impacts of mining. Sea level rise is primarily caused by global warming through the melting of glaciers and ice sheets and the thermal expansion of seawater as it warms. Mining activities directly lead to habitat destruction, water pollution, and the release of harmful gases but are not a direct cause of sea level rise.

Which energy source releases the most carbon dioxide?(1 point)






Among the energy sources listed, **coal** releases the most carbon dioxide when used for energy production. Coal is a fossil fuel that, when burned to generate electricity or heat, emits a significant amount of CO2, which is a major greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. Hydroelectric, wind, and solar power are considered clean or renewable energy sources and do not emit carbon dioxide during their generation of electricity.

What happens to infrared radiation released by the Earth if there is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?(1 point)


It escapes and cools the atmosphere.
It escapes and cools the atmosphere.

It is converted to carbon dioxide.
It is converted to carbon dioxide.

It is converted to solar energy.
It is converted to solar energy.

It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.

When there is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, infrared radiation released by the Earth is **absorbed and heats the atmosphere**. Carbon dioxide is an effective greenhouse gas, meaning it traps heat in the atmosphere by absorbing infrared radiation that would otherwise escape into space. This process is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect and global warming.