Which of the following is the BEST explanation of the role of DNA and RNA in making proteins?

Protein Folding on Make a GIF

DNA unwinds into two separate strands, and an exact copy of each is produced during replication. During translation, a DNA strand is used to produce a complementary strand of mRNA, with uracil taking the place of thymine. During transcription, each set of three codons in the mRNA results in an amino acid being added to a chain, and a protein is formed.
DNA unwinds into two separate strands, and a complementary copy of each is produced during replication. During transcription, a DNA strand is used to produce a complementary strand of mRNA, with uracil taking the place of adenine. During translation, each base in the mRNA results in an amino acid being added to a chain, and a protein is formed.
DNA unwinds into two separate strands, and an exact copy of each is produced during replication. During transcription, a DNA strand is copied to produce mRNA, which is an exact copy of the DNA strand except that uracil takes the place of thymine. During translation, each set of three bases in the mRNA results in a protein with a specialized function being formed.
DNA unwinds into two separate strands, and a complementary copy of each is produced during replication. During transcription, a DNA strand is used to produce a complementary strand of mRNA, with uracil taking the place of thymine. During translation, each set of three bases in the mRNA results in an amino acid being added to a chain, and a protein is formed.


DNA unwinds into two separate strands, and a complementary copy of each is produced during replication. During transcription, a DNA strand is used to produce a complementary strand of mRNA, with uracil taking the place of thymine. During translation, each set of three bases in the mRNA results in an amino acid being added to a chain, and a protein is formed.

This option correctly describes the central dogma of molecular biology, where DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into proteins. The process involves DNA replication (where DNA is copied), transcription (where DNA is used as a template to create mRNA), and translation (where mRNA is used as a template to synthesize proteins by reading codons, sets of three bases, that determine which amino acids are added to the growing polypeptide chain).