Use the value d=$50. Calculate the Total Paid (+6pts see above) Column of each of the possible presents for the value of $50. Then star or circle the most economical or cheapest. (+1)

Your question seems to refer to a table or a list that includes items with a "+6pts see above" description and a "Total Paid" column, which you want calculated for a given value of d=$50, and then you want to identify the cheapest option. Since I don't have the actual data or table, I will create a hypothetical table to illustrate how you might calculate this.

Let's say we have the following presents with associated points and I'll assign arbitrary cost values to each:

| Present | Points (+6pts) | Base Cost | Total Paid Calculation | Total Paid ($) |
| Present A | 1 | $10 | (1+6) * $50 + $10 | $360 |
| Present B | 2 | $20 | (2+6) * $50 + $20 | $420 |
| Present C | 3 | $30 | (3+6) * $50 + $30 | $480 |
| *Present D* | *4* | *$40* | *(4+6) * $50 + $40* | *$540* |

In this example, the Total Paid for each present is determined by adding the points to 6, multiplying by $50, and then adding the base cost. The star (*) around Present D is just an example here and does not indicate the cheapest option.

Using this method, let's calculate the "Total Paid" for each present:

For Present A: (1 + 6) * $50 + $10 = 7 * $50 + $10 = $350 + $10 = $360
For Present B: (2 + 6) * $50 + $20 = 8 * $50 + $20 = $400 + $20 = $420
For Present C: (3 + 6) * $50 + $30 = 9 * $50 + $30 = $450 + $30 = $480
For Present D: (4 + 6) * $50 + $40 = 10 * $50 + $40 = $500 + $40 = $540

Now, to find the cheapest option, you would look for the lowest "Total Paid" value. From the hypothetical data provided:

- Present A: $360
- Present B: $420
- Present C: $480
- Present D: $540

The most economical or cheapest option is Present A at $360. So you would star or circle that:

| Present | Points (+6pts) | Base Cost | Total Paid Calculation | Total Paid ($) |
| *Present A* | 1 | $10 | (1+6) * $50 + $10 | *$360* |
| Present B | 2 | $20 | (2+6) * $50 + $20 | $420 |
| Present C | 3 | $30 | (3+6) * $50 + $30 | $480 |
| Present D | 4 | $40 | (4+6) * $50 + $40 | $540 |

Remember, this is just a hypothetical example. You would need to use actual data from your specific scenario to determine the cheapest option. If you provide that data, I could help you calculate the actual values.