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Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which offspring are produced without the involvement of gametes (sex cells) from two parents. It typically involves a single parent and results in genetically identical offspring. Three features of asexual reproduction are: 1) It does not require a mate or sexual organs. 2) It allows for rapid population growth since there is no need to find a mate. 3) It maintains the favorable traits of the parent, as genetic variation is limited.
Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, involves the fusion of gametes from two parents to produce offspring. Three features of sexual reproduction are: 1) It introduces genetic variation through the mixing of genetic material from two parents. 2) It allows for adaptation to changing environments as offspring may inherit different combinations of traits from their parents. 3) It promotes the removal of harmful mutations from the population through natural selection.

In the given scenario, the genetic variation resulting from sexual reproduction can save the bird species from extinction. As the bug population, their primary food source, is wiped out by the invasive species, the birds with variations in beak size and shape may have a higher chance of survival. Some individuals may possess traits that enable them to crack the harder seeds more efficiently, allowing them to adapt to the change in food availability and sustain the population.
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Asexual reproduction makes identical offspring from one parent fast and without mating. Sexual reproduction mixes genes from two parents, creating different offspring that can better deal with changes. In our case, birds with varied beaks from sexual reproduction might survive better when their usual bug food is gone because they can eat different seeds.

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Genetic variation from sexual reproduction can save this species from extinction by providing a range of beak sizes and shapes within the population, thus increasing the likelihood that some individuals have traits—like larger beaks—that are advantageous for surviving the new conditions by effectively cracking seeds, allowing them to feed, survive, and pass on their genes to future generations. Over time, this could lead to natural selection favoring individuals with larger beaks, enabling the species to adapt to the loss of bugs as a food source.
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Different beak types from parents mixing genes can help the birds not go extinct, because some birds can now eat seeds with their bigger beaks. These birds survive and have babies with big beaks too. Over time, more birds might get big beaks, which helps when they can't find bugs to eat.

One form of reproduction called asexual reproduction involves a single parent and produces genetically identical offspring. It doesn't require a mate or sexual organs and allows for rapid population growth. Another form called sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces offspring with genetic variation, adapting them to changing environments and helping remove harmful mutations from the population. In the given scenario, the genetic variation resulting from sexual reproduction can help bird species survive by allowing individuals with advantageous traits, like efficient beak sizes, to adapt and sustain the population.