what is an orderd pair for this relation y = -2/3x+6

The equation y = -2/3x + 6 is a linear equation and represents a straight line on a coordinate plane. To find an ordered pair that satisfies this equation, you can choose any value for x and solve for y to get the associated y-coordinate.

Let's choose x = 0:

y = -2/3(0) + 6
y = 0 + 6
y = 6

Now we have an ordered pair (0, 6), meaning when x is 0, y is 6. This ordered pair is on the line represented by the equation y = -2/3x + 6.

You can choose any other value for x to find more ordered pairs. For example, let's choose x = 3:

y = -2/3(3) + 6
y = -2 + 6
y = 4

Now we have another ordered pair (3, 4), meaning when x is 3, y is 4. This ordered pair is also on the line.