How did the French respond when the colonies defeated the British at Saratoga in the Revolutionary War?

They were encouraged to support the patriot effort.

They supported the British in their efforts to control the colonies.

They withdrew their support of the British.

They formed an alliance with Germany to attack the British.

which is right?

The correct answer is:

They were encouraged to support the patriot effort.

The French had been cautiously observing the conflict between the British and their American colonies, looking for an opportunity to weaken their longtime adversary, Great Britain. The American victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777 was a pivotal moment because it showed the French that the Americans were capable of defeating the British in a major confrontation. This victory encouraged the French to formally enter the war on the side of the Americans. In February 1778, France recognized the independence of the United States and entered into a military alliance with the Americans, which helped to turn the tide of the war.