11 of 1611 of 16 Items


1. While acne is a common skin condition, its causes can vary from person to person.

2. Some people just naturally produce more acne causing oil.

3. Many claim that a diet of greasy foods contribute to acne and blemishes.

4. Hamburgers and pizza have a particularly high concentration of saturated fats.

5. Chocolate and caffeine have been labeled as acne triggers as well.

These sentences are part of a paragraph about acne. Which sentence from the paragraph does not support the main idea and should be removed to improve the logic and coherence?
A 22
B 33
C 44
D 5

Sentence 4, "Hamburgers and pizza have a particularly high concentration of saturated fats," does not directly support the main idea, which is about the causes of acne. While it gives information about the composition of certain foods, it does not explicitly link these foods to acne causation or skin health. Therefore, the correct answer is:

C 4

As soon as they can, they will leave for their trip to Rome, Italy, to see the Vatican.

Choose the MOST clear and precise words with which to re-write the underlined section of the sentence.
A SometimeSometime
B In AprilIn April
C In the springIn the spring
D Sooner or later

To improve the clarity and precision of the underlined section of the sentence, it is best to provide a specific time frame if available. Between the given options:

A Sometime - This is quite vague and does not provide a specific or clear time frame.
B In April - This option provides a clear and specific time frame.
C In the spring - This is more precise than "sometime," but less specific than "in April."
D Sooner or later - This is very vague and does not offer any clear time frame.

The most clear and precise option is:

B In April

To determine which sentence does not support the main idea of the paragraph, we need to identify the main idea first. The main idea of the paragraph is discussing the various causes of acne, such as natural oil production, diet, and specific foods that may trigger acne.

Now, let's analyze each sentence to see if it aligns with the main idea:

1. Sentence 1: This sentence supports the main idea by stating that acne causes can vary from person to person.
2. Sentence 2: This sentence supports the main idea by mentioning that some people naturally produce more acne-causing oil.
3. Sentence 3: This sentence supports the main idea by claiming that a diet of greasy foods contributes to acne and blemishes.
4. Sentence 4: This sentence supports the main idea by specifying that hamburgers and pizza have a high concentration of saturated fats, which can be related to acne.
5. Sentence 5: This sentence supports the main idea by stating that chocolate and caffeine have been labeled as acne triggers.

After analyzing each sentence, it becomes clear that Sentence 5 is the one that does not support the main idea. This is because it introduces a new topic of chocolate and caffeine as acne triggers, which is not directly related to the discussion of diet, natural oil production, and specific foods mentioned in the other sentences.

Therefore, the sentence that should be removed to improve the logic and coherence of the paragraph is Sentence 5:

D) 5