Nya is building a garden in her yard. She has 24 feet of fencing for her garden and wants it to be in the shape of a rectangle with a length of 3 feet What does the width need to be for this to work? (1 point)





If Nya wants to build a rectangular garden with a length of 3 feet and she has 24 feet of fencing, we can calculate the width by using the perimeter formula for a rectangle:

Perimeter (P) = 2 * (length + width)

She has 24 feet of fencing, which is the perimeter, and the length (L) is 3 feet. Plugging these into the formula:

24 = 2 * (3 + width)

To solve for the width, we first divide both sides by 2:

24 / 2 = (3 + width)
12 = 3 + width

Then, we subtract 3 from both sides to isolate the width:

12 - 3 = width
9 = width

Therefore, the width needs to be 9 feet. The correct answer to the question is: