The Congress of Vienna restored the status quo ante bellum. What does that mean?

1 point
Europe was restored as it was before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
European nations promised to all go through the Industrial Revolution.
A time when most European males would get the right to vote.
Europeans would give up their North American colonies.

"Status quo ante bellum" is a Latin term meaning "the state existing before the war." In the context of the Congress of Vienna, which was a conference of European states held after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814-1815, the term refers to the first option you've given:

Europe was restored as it was before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

The Congress of Vienna aimed to restore the borders and balance of power among European states as they had been before the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, to create a framework for peace and stability in Europe. The other options do not accurately represent the historical outcomes or goals of the Congress of Vienna.