What events led to the Second Seminole War? Select all that apply. (2 points) Responses the writing of the Manifest Destiny doctrine the writing of the Manifest Destiny doctrine the signing of the Treaty of Payne’s Landing the signing of the Treaty of Payne’s Landing the fighting of the Mexican-American War the fighting of the Mexican-American War the harboring of runaway slaves the harboring of runaway slaves the signing of the Indian Removal Act

The Second Seminole War, which spanned from 1835 to 1842, was influenced by several factors, some of which are listed among your options:

1. The signing of the Treaty of Payne’s Landing: This was a crucial factor leading up to the Second Seminole War. Signed in 1832, the treaty stipulated that the Seminole tribe would give up their lands in Florida and relocate west of the Mississippi River. The terms of the treaty were disputed, and many Seminoles refused to leave, which was a direct catalyst for the war.

2. The harboring of runaway slaves: The Seminoles were known to provide refuge to runaway slaves, which created tensions with American slave owners and the US government. The US saw this as a disruption to their economic interests and as a challenge to the institution of slavery.

3. The signing of the Indian Removal Act: Enacted in 1830, this act authorized the US government to relocate Native American tribes living east of the Mississippi River to lands west of the river. While not specific to the Seminoles, this policy also affected them and set the scene for conflict, as it pressured the Native American nations to relocate, leading to widespread resistance among the tribes.

The other events you mentioned do not directly apply to the Second Seminole War:

- The writing of the Manifest Destiny doctrine: Though the idea of Manifest Destiny played a background role in the westward expansion and attitudes of US settlers, it was not a direct trigger of the Second Seminole War.

- The fighting of the Mexican-American War: This event took place from 1846 to 1848, after the Second Seminole War, and while it also involved expansionist conflict, it was not related to the war with the Seminole people.

Therefore, the most correct responses that apply directly to the Second Seminole War would be:

- The signing of the Treaty of Payne's Landing
- The harboring of runaway slaves