The term bibliotheraphy means

a. using books to give children insights into life problems
a. helping people who can't read.
c. using books to solve life's problems
d. sharing joy with children

My book says; "To help children with life problems, questions, fears and pain.

I wasn't sure if it was "A or C" because of the wording...(insights and solving)

Could you please help Me!

A. limits the answer to only children.

C. says that the answer applies to everyone.

Which of these does bibliotherapy mean?

I'm more confused now!

I believe I got it! Because biblio means books and therapy means healing so it is "C" Right?

YESSSSS! By George, you have it!

My first wife often threw books at me, I assume that was a variant of biblotherapy. Of course, she threw other things also.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you figure out the correct answer.

Bibliotherapy is a term used to describe the practice of using books as a therapeutic tool to help individuals, including children, with life problems, questions, fears, and pain. It involves utilizing books to provide comfort, guidance, and support to individuals who may be struggling with various emotional or psychological issues.

Now, let's examine the answer choices:

a. Using books to give children insights into life problems: This option seems to align with the explanation I provided earlier about bibliotherapy. It suggests that books are used to offer children insights into their life problems and to help them navigate through difficult situations.

c. Using books to solve life's problems: This option also seems relevant, as it implies that books are used as a means to solve life problems. However, it is essential to note that bibliotherapy typically focuses on providing support, guidance, and comfort rather than explicitly solving problems.

Based on the information from the book and the definitions provided, it appears that the answer should be option a. Using books to give children insights into life problems. This option accurately captures the essence of bibliotherapy by emphasizing the use of books to help children gain understanding and coping skills related to their life challenges.

I hope this clarifies the confusion and helps you determine the correct answer!