
What does bodily injury liability coverage do?(1 point)

It covers injury or death to others caused by the named driver or named car.
It covers injury or death to others caused by the named driver or named car.

It covers damage to other people’s property caused by the named driver, such as the other person’s car or some other object like a fence or a mailbox.
It covers damage to other people’s property caused by the named driver, such as the other person’s car or some other object like a fence or a mailbox.

It covers damage to the named car if the accident is a hit-and-run or the other driver does not have insurance or enough insurance.
It covers damage to the named car if the accident is a hit-and-run or the other driver does not have insurance or enough insurance.

It covers medical costs to the driver and passengers of the named vehicle.
It covers medical costs to the driver and passengers of the named vehicle.
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Bodily injury liability coverage is a component of an auto insurance policy that provides protection in the event that the policyholder is at fault for an accident that causes injury or death to someone else. It does not cover the medical costs of the driver or passengers of the policyholder's vehicle or damage to the policyholder's own car; those would typically be covered by other parts of an auto insurance policy, such as medical payments coverage, personal injury protection (PIP), or collision coverage.

So, the correct response is:

It covers injury or death to others caused by the named driver or named car.