Question The number of e-mails a friend received each day during the last 20 days is shown below. What number of days did she receive 19 or fewer e-mails in a day? Emails Frequency Cumulative Frequency 0 to 9 4 4 10 to 19 7 11 20 to 29 4 15 30 to 39 4 19 40 to 49 1 20 (1 point) Responses 7 7 11 11 12 12 15 15 Skip to navigation

From the data provided in the frequency distribution, we can understand how many e-mails your friend received each day during the last 20 days, broken down into intervals. To find out the number of days on which she received 19 or fewer e-mails, we can just look at the cumulative frequency for the intervals that correspond to 0-9 e-mails and 10-19 e-mails.

According to the table provided:

- For the interval 0 to 9 e-mails, the cumulative frequency is 4. This means on 4 days, she received from 0 to 9 e-mails.
- For the interval 10 to 19 e-mails, the cumulative frequency jumps to 11. Since we already counted 4 days for the previous interval, it means there were 11 - 4 = 7 more days within this interval where she received 10 to 19 e-mails.

To find the total number of days where the number of e-mails was 19 or fewer, you combine the days in both intervals:

4 (days for 0-9 e-mails) + 7 (days for 10-19 e-mails) = 11 days

So, your friend received 19 or fewer e-mails on 11 days out of the last 20 days.