simplify 2/√5

To simplify the expression \( \frac{2}{\sqrt{5}} \), you can rationalize the denominator. Rationalizing the denominator means eliminating the square root from the bottom of the fraction. To do this, you multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the square root that you want to eliminate, which in this case is \( \sqrt{5} \).

Here's how to do it:

\[ \frac{2}{\sqrt{5}} \times \frac{\sqrt{5}}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{2 \cdot \sqrt{5}}{\sqrt{5} \cdot \sqrt{5}} \]

Now simplify:

\[ \frac{2 \cdot \sqrt{5}}{5} \]

So, the simplified form of \( \frac{2}{\sqrt{5}} \) with a rationalized denominator is \( \frac{2\sqrt{5}}{5} \).