Imagine that you are a citizen living in North Korea. Write a letter to the leader of the government persuading him to consider investing in citizens and entrepreneurship. Be sure to include why it is important to invest in citizens. Include the potential impact on literacy, growth in the country, gross domestic product, and other benefits.The letter should have a minimum of three to four paragraphs with 5-7 sentences in each paragraph. It is recommended that you write your letter in Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Remember to include the appropriate parts of a friendly letter to include opening, closing, greeting, and salutation.

Submission Form Ru

[Your Name]

[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Leader's Name]
[Leader's Position]
Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Leader's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Firstly, allow me to express my immense gratitude for your commitment to our beloved nation and its people. As a concerned citizen of North Korea, I am writing to convey an idea that could potentially benefit our nation and its citizens in multiple ways. I request your kind consideration in investing in citizens and entrepreneurship, as I believe it is crucial for the long-term growth and advancement of our country.

Investing in citizens is of paramount importance as it helps improve literacy rates and educational opportunities. By allocating funds towards education, we can provide our citizens with the necessary tools and resources to thrive in an increasingly competitive global economy. Literacy is the foundation of progress, and by focusing on enhancing literacy rates, we can empower our citizens to make significant contributions to our society and elevate our nation's image on the international stage.

Furthermore, investing in entrepreneurship will foster innovation and spur economic growth. Encouraging individuals to develop their entrepreneurial skills will lead to the creation of small businesses, which are vital for job creation and economic development. Entrepreneurship will not only drive the growth of our domestic industries but also attract foreign investors, ultimately boosting our gross domestic product and strengthening our economy.

Investing in citizens and entrepreneurship will also promote self-reliance among our people. By supporting and nurturing the talents and abilities of our citizens, we can reduce dependency on external resources and pave the way for a more prosperous future. This enhanced self-reliance will not only benefit individuals but also facilitate the overall development and stability of our nation.

Lastly, investing in citizens and entrepreneurship will inspire a sense of pride, motivation, and loyalty towards our country. When individuals feel supported and valued by their government, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to the growth and success of our nation. Moreover, an empowered citizenry will serve as ambassadors, representing North Korea's potential on the global stage and dispelling any misconceptions about our country.

In conclusion, dear [Leader's Name], investing in citizens and entrepreneurship is a critical step towards realizing the full potential of our nation. Through increased investment in education, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting self-reliance, we can create a prosperous future for North Korea. I humbly request your attention to this matter, as I firmly believe that investing in citizens will not only benefit individuals but also help elevate our country's stature in the international community.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and dedication to our great nation.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]