1st point: learners might grow over-reliant on AI and they won't be able to "learn" in that sense, more like theyre just thinking of prompts to write in ai and just take whatever info AI gives them, i can also expand on this by saying stuff like if students grow too reliant on AI if theres server downtimes or wtv they wont be able to think on their own.

give me a counter arguement

Counter argument: While it is true that learners might become reliant on AI for prompts and information, this dependence can actually be beneficial in certain scenarios. AI systems, designed to provide accurate and reliable responses, can assist learners in accessing a vast amount of information and resources that they may not have been able to find otherwise. This can enhance their knowledge and understanding of a particular subject.

Furthermore, relying on AI for prompts and information does not necessarily imply a lack of personal thinking. Learners still need to critically evaluate the information provided by AI and decide whether it aligns with their own understanding and objectives. This process encourages learners to exercise their analytical and cognitive skills, as they must think about how they can effectively utilize the information obtained from AI.

Additionally, in situations where there are server downtimes or technical issues, learners who have grown reliant on AI can adapt and find alternative ways to acquire information or complete tasks. These challenges can actually foster problem-solving skills and independent thinking, as learners creatively explore other resources or methodologies.

In conclusion, although over-reliance on AI may present some risks, it also offers significant benefits in terms of accessing information and enhancing critical thinking skills. With appropriate guidance and balance, learners can effectively utilize AI as a valuable tool in their educational journey.